2018 OP Summer Newsletter
ROLL CALL IN THE PARK The Orland Park community is invited to watch as the Orland Park Police Department conducts its roll call at a number of the parks throughout the year. Residents have an opportunity to meet their neighborhood police officers. Roll call is where supervisors take attendance, inspect uniform and equipment, inform the oncoming shift of any outstanding incidents that may have occurred, inform officers of suspects to be looking for, and share any law or procedural changes. Keep an eye out on the village’s social media pages for the next opportunity to attend a Roll Call in the Park.
COOK OUT WITH COPS During the spring and summer months, the Orland Park Police Department invites the community to join them at area parks for lunch and some friendly conversation. This year, Joey’s Red Hots provided hot dogs and many smiles at the cook out events. Residents are invited to come out to meet their local police officers and staff, ask questions pertaining to public safety and otherwise and enjoy a bite to eat. We hope you can join us at the next event near you.
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