2022 Winter/Spring Program Guide

SCHOOL BREAK HOLIDAY HANGOUT Whether you need assistance with childcare on school holidays or your kids need something to do, let them hang with us in the Recreation and Parks Department. We will offer games, activities, time for homework, and a snack. Please send kids in clothes to play in, along with a lunch. NEW


7:00a-6:00p | AGE: Kindergarten to 5th | LOCATION: Cultural Center—Exhibit Hall SPRING BREAK CAMP

WINTER BREAK CAMP The weather outside is frightful, but our Winter Break Camp is delightful! We are going to play games, have theme days, contests, and more! Join us while school is on break for fun activities and boredom busters. No class December 24 & 31. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: December 15

SCHOOL DAYS OFF FEE (per day) : Resident $40 | Non-resident $46 PROG#: DAY: DATE: 92971 M Jan 17 92972 M Feb 21 92973 M Mar 7 93140 M Apr 15 93139 Tu May 3

No more boring Spring Breaks spent wishing you had something fun to do! We will offer games, activities, theme days, contests, and more. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: March 14


Resident $145 | Non-resident $166

PROG#: DATES: 93040


Resident $261 | Non-resident $300

Mar 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25

PROG#: DATES: 93049

Dec 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, Jan 3, and 4


INCLUSION The Recreation and Parks Department welcomes special needs participants in all areas of programming. We strive to make these programs an optimal expe- rience by providing reasonable modifications to the program activity. The Special Recreation Division provides inclusion assistance to programs servicing clientele ages three years and up. Please indicate at the time of registraton that 1:1 assistance is needed. Programs that are not eligible for 1:1 services are as follows: Mom and Tot classes, offsite and/or contracted programs and day care services. If you are registering online or new to the program you must contact Sean O’Hara at 708.403.6202 two weeks prior to the start of the program.

TIME: 9:00a-12:00p AGE: Kindergarten to 8th

LOCATION: Cultural Center—Room 203 Develop your child’s intellect through the royal game of Chess! This half-day camp is designed for both beginners and experienced young players. Each day of camp will consist of a fun interactive teaching period, followed by guided practice time, allowing the students to play against one another while being coached by an experienced instructor. The camp session will conclude with a non-elimination tournament. SPRING BREAK CAMP PROG#: 92463 DATE: Mar 21-Mar 25 DAY: Monday-Friday FEE: Resident $180 | Non-resident $270 WINTER BREAK CAMP PROG#: 92199 DATE: Dec 27-Dec 30 DAY: Monday-Thursday FEE: Resident $105 | Non-resident $158


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