2022 Winter/Spring Program Guide
THINK SUMMER! CENTENNIAL PARK AQUATIC CENTER OPENING DAY Saturday, May 28 | 12-8p Members may enter the pool one hour early. (11a) Centennial Park Aquatic Center: 708.349.4FUN (4386) DAILY HOURS MAY 28 TO SEP 5 12 TO 8PM Open to members: 11:55a weekdays 11a weekends MEMORIAL DAY HOURS May 30—Open 12-8p (weather permitting) Open one hour early for members. (11a) SPLASH PARTY & PAVILION RENTALS Reservations begin March 28, 2022. Book early for best dates! PLAN NOW FOR 2022 SWIM LESSONS! 2022 MORNING SESSIONS Save the date(s)! June 20-29 | July 11-20 | July 25-Aug 3 Full details will be listed in the Summer 2022 Program Guide. A Childcare Provider Pass is available for purchase in conjunction with a RESIDENT FAMILY Membership ONLY. The Childcare Provider Pass may be purchased for ONE childcare provider at $93 and is not transferable. The childcare provider must be at least 18 years of age. Purchase must be made by an adult member of the RESIDENT FAMILY membership and childcare provider must be present. The Childcare Provider Pass is only valid when performing childcare services. GUEST PASSES* Guest passes are available for purchase by CPAC members and Orland Park residents (Resident ID required). The resident or member must accompany the guest(s). Members may bring up to 10 guests during the early weekend admission hour (11a–12p). Call 708.403.5000 for information. * Guest passes expire five years from date of purchase. CHILDCARE PROVIDER PASS
BECOME A LIFEGUARD FOR CENTENNIAL PARK AQUATIC CENTER • All training provided free of charge • Interviews begin in January • To apply, visit OrlandPark.org/jobs
CROSSOVER MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL Sportsplex members and Orland Park Health & Fitness Center members receive 20% off a Centennial Park Aquatic Center membership!* * 20% discount off regular priced pool membership (pool discount available to current Sportsplex 3 & 12 month memberships & OPHFC memberships)
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