
LEARN TO SWIM LESSONS— AGE: 3 TO 15 Learning to swim is an essential life skill best achieved at an early age. Becoming a proficient swimmer is an important step to promote your child’s safety in and around water. CPAC swim lessons have been refined to ensure progression in your child’s swim skills. SESSION 1: Jun 20 to Jun 29 | SESSION 2: Jul 11 to Jul 20 | SESSION 3: Jul 25 to Aug 3


Jun 18-Jul 16 ( No class July 2)

FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL—JUNE 19 Fathers receive 1 free admission with 1 paid child admission. FIRST RESPONDER APPRECIATION DAY—JUNE 30 All current police, fire, EMT/paramedic, and medical personnel receive 1 free admission by showing their responder ID. (Rain date 7/1.) MILITARY APPRECIATION DAY—JULY 7 All current and former United States military personnel receive 1 free admission by showing Join staff celebrate at CPAC as we play holiday music, enjoy Christmas decorations and have a special visit from Santa. ( Rain date 7/15.) CPAC MEMBER APPRECIATION DAY—AUG 4 All CPAC members may bring guests at a dis- counted rate of $5/person and will receive a free fountain drink from the concession stand. Raffle prizes will be given throughout the day. (Rain date 8/5.) LEARN TO SWIM—GROUP LESSONS TIME: 9:30a-10:15a | AGE: 3 to 15 FEE: Resident $35 | Non-resident $54 PROG#: LEVEL: PROG#: LEVEL: PROG#: LEVEL: 93545 1 93547 2A 93548 2B 93549 3 93551 4 93553 5 93554 6 93556 7 LEARN TO SWIM—PRIVATE LESSONS AGE: 3 and up FEE: Resident $80 | Non-resident $122 PROG#: TIME: PROG#: TIME: 93731 8:45a-9:15a 93732 10:30a-11a PARENT-TOT Swim introduction through games, songs, and water activities. Children who are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper and plastic pants. One adult must attend with each registered child. TIME: 9:30a-10:15a | AGE: 6 mos.-3½ yrs. FEE: Resident $40 | Non-resident $65 PROG#: 93635 their military ID. (Rain date 7/8.) CHRISTMAS IN JULY—JULY 14


8:30a—Resident $60 | Non-resident $93 9:30a—Resident $65 | Non-resident $100 10:30a—Resident $70 | Non-resident $108 Monday thru Friday (1st week of session) Monday thru Wednesday (2nd week of session)











SESSION 1 8:30a-9:15a 9:30a-10:15a SESSION 2 8:30a-9:15a 9:30a-10:15a SESSION 3 8:30a-9:15a 9:30a-10:15a

93557 93564

93558 93565 93574 93582 93590 93598 93606 93615 93627

93571 93572 93575 93583 93591 93599 93607 93617 93628

93559 93566 93576 93584 93592 93600 93608 93618 93629

93560 93567 93577 93585 93593 93601 93609 93619 93630

93561 93562 93568 93569 93578 93579 93586 93587 93594 93595 93602 93603 93610 93611 93620 93621 93631 93632

93563 93570 93580 93588 93596 93604

10:30a-11:15a 93573

93581 93589

10:30a-11:15a 93597

93605 93614

93612 93623

10:30a-11:15a 93625 93633 JOIN THE SUMMER FUN!!


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