Mamah Bouton Borthwick and Frank Lloyd Wright spent time together and fell in love. The catch? They were both married, with eight children to care for between them. During the Victorian period, men could be forgiven for their indiscretions. That was not the case for a Victorian lady, like Mamah. She eventually got divorced, becoming the head of the household, but her life ended in murder. Meet Mamah for yourself, hearing her story
with Mr. Wright and how her life tragically ended. Wine included with presentation.
INSTRUCTOR: Ellie Presents PROG#: 93821 DAY/DATE: Friday / Aug 26 TIME: 6:30p-8:00p AGE: 21 and up FEE: Member $15
Resident $20 | Non-resident $23
MUSEUM NIGHT OUT Join Museum staff at Peace Marketplace for the Museum’s 2nd annual night out to celebrate the importance of history! This is a fundraising event to help increase Museum memberships and support. Enjoy some shopping, listen to music, and partake in raffles. A night out, for a good cause, you don’t want to miss! Already a Museum member? This is a special event to say thank you! Event is free to members. A non-member? Entrance fee also includes a year individual membership to the Museum! INSTRUCTOR: Museum and Peace Market Staff PROG#: 93785 DAY/DATE: Thursday / Sep 8 TIME: 6:00p-8:00p AGE: 21 and up LOCATION: Peace Marketplace Market 14314 Beacon Avenue FEE: Member Free | Non-member $15 PARTNERS IN WINE Enjoy a Friday night out wine tasting with hors d’ oeuvres on the porch of the historic Humphrey House. A show of illusions, with historic magic tricks, to take place at the Museum after the tasting. Wine and refreshments included in price.
EXHIBIT RUNS JUNE 11-NOVEMBER 5 Celebrate Orland Park’s 130th anniversary at the Museum with this new exhibit! Learn about what was happening in America during the time Orland Park was incorporated, and how far the Village has come in its 100+ years of existence. Exhibit opener includes a short presentation and walking tour of Old Orland, taking you back to the Streets of Orland in 1892. Wine and refreshments will be served. 93840 EXHIBIT OPENER: Saturday, Jun 11 TIME: 1:00p-3:00p AGE: All ages FEE: PROG#:
Museum Member $15 Resident $20 Non-member $23
ORLAND PARK HISTORY TOURS One-hour guided group tours are available! PRICING (Supplies not included.) General Public: $ 35 for 10 people, $3 per person (exceeding 10) Non-Profits (scouts, churches, municipalities): $25 for 10 people $2 per person (exceeding 10) Orland schools are free! TYPE OF TOURS
Old Orland: includes Museum, Beacon Avenue, Humphrey House and outbuildings. (Hostert Cabins and Chiappetti Slaughterhouse can be added for an additional $10) Stellwagen: Includes all buildings on site. Farmhouse closed to visitors until it is deemed safe to use.
INSTRUCTOR: Jeanette Andrews PROG#: 93819 DAY/DATE: Friday / Sep 9 TIME: 6:00p-8:00p
AGE: 21 and up
Senator John Humphrey House Orland Park History Museum Member $25 Resident $30 | Non-resident $33
History Museum FEE:
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