
JUNIOR DAY CAMP Preschoolers have the opportunity to meet new friends while having fun at this summer camp! Kids will alternate between indoor and outdoor activities. They will learn new songs, create art projects, do science experiments, and play active games. All activities are geared for the preschooler and centered around weekly themes. Children must be potty-trained. No class July 4.


9:00a-12:00p AGE: 3-5 Monday thru Thursday




93085 93086 93087 93159

Jun 13-Jun 23 R $108 | NR $167 Jun 27-Jul 7 R $99 | NR $154 Jul 11-Jul 21 R $108 | NR $167 Jul 25-Aug 4 R $108 | NR $167

BEFORE CAMP & SUMMER PALS Before Camp and Summer Pals are offered as extensions of the day and are held at the Cultural Center. Buddies and Adventurers will be transported from the Cultural Center to their camp site before camp and return to the Cultural Center for Summer Pals after camp program. Before Camp participants will be given breakfast and participate in activities. Campers will not be allowed in the building prior to 7:00a. Summer Pals participants continue their camp day with a variety of activities. A snack will be provided each day. The day ends at 6:30p. No late pickups. TIME: Before Camp—7-8:45a Summer Pals—3-6:30p GRADE: 1st-7th | LOCATION: Cultural Center SESS I: Jun 13-Jul 8 PROG#: COURSE: DAY: FEE: 93073 Before Camp M/W/F $98 93077 Summer Pals M/W/F $161 93071 Before Camp M thru F $147 93075 Summer Pals M thru F $253 SESS II: July 11-Aug 5 PROG#: COURSE: DAY: FEE: 93074 Before Camp M/W/F $98 93078 Summer Pals M/W/F $161 93072 Before Camp M thru F $147 93076 Summer Pals M thru F $253 ADD ON CAMP WEEK I: Aug 8-Aug 12 93088 Before Camp M thru F $37 93090 Summer Pals M thru F $63 ADD ON CAMP WEEK II: Aug 15-Aug 19 93089 Before Camp M thru F $37 93091 Summer Pals M thru F $63



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