

noun 1 the condition of being young. 2 the period of life from puberty to the attainment of full growth; adolescence.

SHOTOKAN KARATE INSTRUCTOR: Illinois Shotokan LOCATION: Cultural Center—Exhibit Hall

Illinois Shotokan Karate Club is Chicago’s premier karate school taught under the instruction of John Di Pasquale, a four-time National Champion, US National Coach and President of the US National Karate Federation. This program is specifically designed for growing minds and bodies to enhance memory and agility. Parent/Child classes are a great way to spend quality time with your child, while conditioning muscles, developing coordination and improving cardiovascular fitness. Please Note: Parent/Child, Youth & Adult classes will train together. Fees are per person.

ORLANDPARK.ORG 42 YOUTH & TEENS Youth & Teens DATE: Jun 9-Aug 19 | FEE: Resident $132 | Non-resident $184 PRE KARATE—AGE 4 TO 7 THUR FRI PROG#: PROG#: LEVEL: TIME: 93641 93642 Beginner/Continuer (no experience-White Belt) 4:15p-5:00p 93643 93644 Novice/Advanced (White w/stripes-Red) 5:05p-5:50p PARENT/CHILD KARATE—AGE 7 & UP THUR FRI PROG#: PROG#: LEVEL: TIME: 93613 93616 Beginner/Continuer (White thru Red belt) 5:55p-6:55p 93622 93624 Novice—(Orange thru Green) 7:00p-8:00p 93626 93762 Intermediate/Advanced (Purple & up) 8:05p-9:05p YOUTH & ADULT—AGE 7 & UP THUR FRI PROG#: PROG#: LEVEL: TIME: 93634 93636 Beginner/Continuer (White thru Red belt)) 5:55p-6:55p 93637 93638 Novice—(Orange thru Green) 7:00p-8:00p 93639 93640 Intermediate/Advanced (Purple & up) 8:05p-9:05p

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