Interested in taking your workout to the next level, losing weight and feeling your best? Then this class was made fore you! This class is designed to help build muscular strength, lower your body fat percentage, improve core strength and flexibility. Intro to Bootcamp is suited for beginner/ intermediate level participants. DAY/TIME: Thursdays / 4-5p AGE: 12 and up LOCATION: O rland Park Health & Fitness Center FEE: Resident $100 / Non-resident $110 / Member $95 INSTRUCTOR: Aryanna Sahagun WEEKEND WARRIOR BOOTCAMP This is a great way to start you weekends off right. Join Aryanna for your weekend workout and build muscular strength, lose weight, and tone up while improving core strength and flexibility. Class is suited for intermediate/advanced level participants. DAY/TIME: Saturdays / 9-10a AGE: 12 and up LOCATION: O rland Park Health & Fitness Center FEE: Resident $100 / Non-resident $110 / Member $95 INSTRUCTOR: Aryanna Sahagun STRENGTH TRAINING FOR WOMEN Strength Training for Women is a 6-week, high intensity program for members looking to advance their skills to the next level. During class you will utilize a variety of equipment to maximize your overall strength, core and cardio output. This program provides individuals with a competitive, fun environment, where giving 110% effort is encouraged! Don’t wait to improve yourself tomorrow, join today! DATES: Jun 30-Aug 18 and Aug 25-Oct 13 DATES: Jun 25-Aug 13 and Aug 20-Oct 8
AT OPHFC special programs
Jul 1-Aug 5 and Aug 12-Sep 16
DAY/TIME: Fridays / 9:30-10:30a
AGE: 12 and up LOCATION: O rland Park Health & Fitness Center FEE: Resident $125 / Non-resident $135 / Member $120 INSTRUCTOR: Becky Kastys
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