2024 DANCE RECITAL The 2024 Spring Dance Recital will be held at the Carl Sandburg Performing Arts Center for dancers registered during the 2024 Winter/Spring session. Rehearsals will be held June 5 and 6. The recital will be held on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. Dancers must perform at both the rehearsal and recital. Please keep these dates open as scheduling requests WILL NOT be taken.
This high energy, fast-paced tap class is for the advanced tap dancer. Students will learn complex combinations with a focus on technique. Teacher approval required to register for this class. No class October 16 and November 20.
INSTRUCTOR: Ms.Kristin PROG#: 96360 DATE:
Sep 11-Dec 4
HIP HOP CLASSES Boys and girls, would you like to dance and move like today’s hottest stars? We’ll get down to some of today’s greatest music while focusing on rhythm, musicality and basic footwork while using combinations and steps with music. Hip hop is a great way to get kids moving while having fun! Boys are welcome in all classes. No class October 16-21, October 31, November 20-25 and December 11. DATE: Sep 11-Dec 12 LOCATION: FLC — Dance Studio 45 MINUTE CLASSES FEE: Resident $103 | Non-resident $129 PROG#: COURSE: DAY: TIME: AGE: INSTRUCTOR: 96344 Pre Hip Hop M 5:00p-5:45p 5 to 6 Ms. Ashley 96345 Pre Hip Hop Sa 9:00a-9:45a 5 to 6 Ms. Kayleigh 96348 Hip Hop I — Beginner W 4:15p-5:00p 6 to 9 Ms. Alexis 96347 Hip Hop I — Beginner Sa 9:45a-10:30a 6 to 9 Ms. Kayleigh 1 HOUR CLASS FEE: Resident $118 | Non-resident $148 PROG#: COURSE: DAY: TIME: AGE: INSTRUCTOR: 96349 Intermediate/Advanced T 6:30p-7:30p 7 to 9 Ms. Jorie 96350 Hip Hop II T 7:30p-8:30p 10 to 14 Ms. Jorie JAZZ/POM This exciting class will introduce dancers to basic jazz and pom techniques. Dancers will focus on turns, leaps, and jumps while working with pom-pons. Basic pom arm movements, kicks, and pom passes will be taught. No class October 16, 19, November 20 and 23. DATE: Sep 11-Dec 7 LOCATION: FLC — Dance Studio FEE: Resident $118 | Non-resident $148 PROG#: DAY: TIME: AGE: INSTRUCTOR: 96357 M 5:45p-6:45p 9 to 12 Ms. Ashley 96359 Th 6:30p-7:30p 6 to 8 Ms. Jorie Dancers will focus on developing and strengthening the muscles needed for pointe along with correct alignment and correct classical ballet technique. Teacher approval is required before registering for this class. Pointe shoes are not needed, only ballet shoes. No class October 18 and November 22. INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Jackie PROG#: 96352 | DATE: Sep 13-Dec 6 | DAY: Wednesday | TIME: 6:45p-7:30p | AGE: 11 to 21 LOCATION : FLC — Dance Studio | FEE: Resident $103 | Non-resident $129
8 to 21
Cultural Center — Dance Studio Resident $103 | Non-resident $129
MODERN DANCE This class will incorporate many of the
foundations of modern dance technique, including suspension and release, fall and recovery, the use of momentum, and connecting breath with movement. Dancers will explore new ways of moving in combinations, floor work and partnering, and also in various methods of improvisation. No class October 18 and November 22.
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Jackie PROG#: 96362 DATE: Sep 13-Dec 6 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 7:30p-8:30p AGE: 13 to 21 LOCATION:
FLC — Dance Studio
Resident $118 | Non-resident $148
TECHNIQUE CLASS Proper ballet and jazz technique with an emphasis on turns, leaps, and jumps will be taught. Perfect for the aspiring dancer! This is a non-recital class. No class October 18 and November 22.
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Jackie PROG#: 96361 DATE: Sep 13-Dec 6 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 5:45p-6:45p AGE: 8 to 21 LOCATION:
FLC — Dance Studio
Resident $118 | Non-resident $148
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