CHILDCARE PROVIDER PASS A Childcare Provider Pass is available for purchase in conjunction with a RESIDENT FAMILY Membership ONLY. The Childcare Provider Pass may be purchased for ONE childcare provider at $111 and is not transferable. The childcare provider must be at least 18 years of age. Purchase must be made in person by an adult member of the RESIDENT FAMILY membership and childcare provider must be present. The Childcare Provider Pass is only valid when performing childcare services. • Should the facility close early for inclement weather, a rain-check stamp will be issued from the front cashier office staff. Rain-check stamps will be issued only to those present at the time of closing who have: a) been at the facility for less than three hours; b) not used a rain-check stamp from a previous date to enter the facility. Rain-check stamps expire at the end of the season. No refunds will be issued. • Physical rain-checks must be presented for re-entry into the facility. No photos/copies of rain-checks will be permitted. • Weather conditions for pool closings can be found by callng 708.401.0043 ext 66 or by downloading the Rainoutline.com app. JR. LIFEGUARDING Ever wonder what it’s really like to be a lifeguard? Here’s your chance! Go behind the scenes of CPAC and be introduced to some of our life-saving skills. Learn the basics of scanning the water, first-aid, CPR and water-rescue techniques. Participants are welcome to ‘shadow’ a CPAC lifeguard on the pool deck from 12:00–1:00p on Thursday following class. Junior guards should bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and a bag lunch each day. Enrollment includes a junior guard t-shirt and lifeguard whistle. Must be able to swim unassisted in 12’ of water. Returning junior lifeguards should enroll in the 13-15 age group class. New student session make-up date: June 16, 2023; Returning Student Session make-up date: June 30, 2023. DAILY ADMISSION RESIDENT $12 | $9 (AFTER 4P MONDAY-FRIDAY & AFTER 5P SAT & SUN) NON-RESIDENT | $25 - MONDAY-THURSDAY $26 - FRIDAY-SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS (MAY 29, JULY 4 & SEP 4) • Orland Park Resident IDs are recommended for all resident non-members to receive the resident daily admission rate. • Proof of residency required. No refunds.
THINK SUMMER! CENTENNIAL PARK AQUATIC CENTER OPEN (WEATHER PERMITTING) MAY 27 - SEP 4 DAILY HOURS* MON-FRI—11:00a-7:00p SAT-SUN—12:00-8:00p Open to members: 10:55a weekdays 11:00a weekends * See holiday, modified and back-to school hours below. HOLIDAY & MODIFIED HOURS May 27—Opening Day—12:00p-8:00p (11:00a members) May 29—11:00a-7:00p (10:00a members) May 30 thru Jun 2—4:00p-7:00p July 4—11:00a-7:00p (10:00a members) Sep 4 — 12:00p-5:00p (11:00a members) BACK TO SCHOOL HOURS: Aug 18, 25 & Sep 1— 4:00p-:00p Aug 16-17, 21-24. & Aug 28 thru 31– Closed Aug 19-20, 26-27, & Sep 2-3–12:00p-7:00p (11:00a members) LAP SWIM/RIVER WALK The facility will be open during the hours listed for self-directed exercise. Lap lanes will be available and the lazy river will be open to walk against the current. This is an excellent low stress/low impact work-out. Aqua shoes are recommended. Closed July 4. Daily drop-in fee applies. Free to members .
Jun 5–Aug 11 Monday-Friday
TIME: 8:30a-11:00a LOCATION: Centennial Pool FEE:
AGE: 16 & up
Resident $45 | Non-resident $70
LOCATION: Centennial Pool DROP-IN FEE: Members Free
95661 95662
Jun 13-Jun 15 Jun 27-Jun 29
10 to 12
Resident $5 | Non-resident $8
13 to 15* (*and returning participants)
POOL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE ONLINE! Pool memberships may be purchased online at OrlandPark.org. To ensure residents receive the resident rate on their membership, a Resident ID must be issued to all Orland Park residents 3 years of age and older. Resident IDs are required as proof of residency to allow residents to receive resident rates for their pool membership as well as drop-in daily fees. Resident ID cards are available during regular business hours at the Sportsplex and Village Hall cashier’s office free of charge. To obtain a Resident ID card, proof of residency is required by showing a valid driver’s license/state ID with current address. The Resident ID cards must be renewed annually. NOTE: Non-resident rates will be charged to all participants without a valid Village of Orland Park Resident ID.
Guest passes are available for purchase by CPAC members and Orland Park residents (Resident ID required). The resident or member must accompany the guest(s). Members may bring up to 10 guests during the early weekend admission hour (11:00a–12:00p). Call 708.403.5000 for information. * Guest passes expire five years from date of purchase. AQUATICS
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