
Ask your provider if a referral to MyFitRx is right for you. Begin any pathway today for j u s t $ 99. Program is open to the community. Orland Park Health & Fitness Center membership not required. Some prerequisites apply. Contact the Center for details. Choose one of our 10 specialized pathways designed to help you meet your health and fitness goals if you are living with a medical condition or need additional support to be more active. In eight weeks, our certified fitness specialists will help you improve your level of physical activity through a customized fitness plan, fitness assessments, and full membership access to our medically integrated fitness center.

Improving lives through guided exercise

©2017–2023 POWER WELLNESS MANAGEMENT, LLC. All rights reserved.


EARN $50 IN FITFUNDS WITH MASSAGE REWARDS! USE OUR REWARDS CARD TO COMPLETE: (9) 1-hour massages OR (18) 30-minute massages to earn $50 in FitFunds.*

Orland Park Health & Fitness Center hosts a unique combination of wellness and fitness services, including Massage Therapy. Massage therapy is not only used to relax and renew, but also for pain management. Our massage therapists are here to serve you with effective treatments for a variety of conditions. Book a massage for yourself or a loved one today. DATE: Ongoing LOCATION: Orland Park Health & Fitness Center


Earn $50 in FitFunds when you complete (9) 1-hour massages or (18) 30-minute massages. Redeem completed card at the Member Services desk.

Members Residents Non-Residents

STANDARD 30 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes ADD-ONS * Cupping Hot Stone


Issue Date

$35 $65

$40 $70

$50 $80

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.




$20 $25

* Add-On service is in addition to the cost of your massage therapy fee.

* FitFunds will be added to your account. FitFunds will expire 90 days from redemption. FitFunds are not redeemable for cash and cannot be used toward monthly dues. Center is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. Card valid for name listed on the card. Card expires one year from issue date. Some restrictions may apply. See Center for details.


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