2024 Budget In Brief
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16#-*$ 803,4 The mission of the Public Works Department is to ensure the integrity and safety of the Village’s infrastructure, such as facilities, parks, pool, forestry, roads, bridges, sidewalks, water distribution, sanitary sewer, storm water collection systems, vehicles and equipment, and transportation; utilizing safe and well maintained equipment; executing in a cost effective manner; and preserving natural resources for present and future generations. Public Works Department’s Natural Resources and Facilities (NRF) Division staff and contractors planted three hundred and sixty-four new trees throughout the Village in 2023. The Village plans on continuing tree planting at parks, parkway and facility sites in 2024, focusing on diversifying and restoring the urban tree canopy. A reassessment of the approximately 39,000 public trees located throughout the Village will also be conducted in 2024. Updating and maintaining the Village’s tree inventory helps Public Works more efficiently manage our urban canopy by providing accurate data on tree location, species, condition and diversity. The inventory also assists with identifying site- and species-specific concerns, project budgeting, risk reduction and community outreach. Recreation Program participated in an Arbor Day Event at 4UFMMXBHFO 'BSN Village staff discussed the importance of trees and led the group in the planting of new oak trees adjacent to the Main Pump Station. An Arbor Day Event will be held in April, 2024 at a location to be determined. To date, Village residents have adopted out of parks via the Village’s Adopt-A-Park Program E esigned to encourage the community to work hands-on to help keep parks clean, safe, and attractiv F 5 he program offers the opportunity for people to get more involved in their community in a way that promotes On .BZ , 202 , the Public Works Tree Crew and members of the Recreation Department’s Special
civic pride, appreciation and awareness. Adoptions are available for the remaining parks. A reassessment of Village playgrounds and pavilions, which will provide a roadmap for future park improvements, was conducted in 2023. A total of 56 playgrounds and pavilions are located throughout the Village. Since 2019, playgrounds and pavilion have been renovated. The renovation of five playgrounds, including Schussler Park, as well as four park pavilions is scheduled for 2024. The Humphrey Woods are an isolated woodland and remnant of the past located just west of the Village Center campus. The acre site is home to the historic Hostert Cabins, dating back to the 1800s and the founding of the Village, along with hundreds of species of plants and trees in excess of years old. The Village has long recognized Humphrey Woods as a valuable natural and historical resource. The Village has been working since 2019 to assess the diverse plant and cover types, plan and budget for restoration of the woods, and execute a restoration project over the next five years to remove invasive insects, plants, and trees; improve local wildlife; and increase people’s experience with native plants and animals. A number of facility projects were initiated or completed in 2023, including the Sportsplex locker room renovation project, the replacement of the FLC gym divider, lighting improvements at the Police Department and SportsPlex, HVAC improvements at Main Pump Station, carpeting replacements at SportsPlex and Orland Park Health and Fitness Center, roof and gutter replacements at SportsPlex, a kitchen renovation at the Civic Center, Village Hall security improvements, the demolition of two properties on Wolf Road, soffit repairs at Village Hall, FLC, and Civic Center, Rec Admin and Parks Admin ramp repairs BOE FLC and SportsPlex HVAC improvements. Additionally, several
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