2024 Budget In Brief



33 Development Engineering Reviews Engineering staff conducts in-house engineering reviews for petitioned developments within the Village’s entitlements process. Development reviews are typically for new residential subdivisions and commercial construction. Engineering staff coordinates with the Development Services Department, Public Works Department, and the Village’s landscaping consultant to review developments for compliance with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) and Village codes and ordinances. Review costs are passed through to the petitioners and do not incur costs to the Village. In 2023, 33 reviews were completed.

4,800 ADA Compliance Collection Project - COMPLETED BQQSPYJNBUFMZ $PNQMJBOU The Director of the Engineering % epartment is the ADA Coordinator for the Village. In the summer of 2021, the Village of Orland Collection project to catalog the condition of the Village’s sidewalk curb ramps and ADA compliance inside the buildings/ facilities as to determine adherence to the ADA requirements. Field inspections identify curb and sidewalk work needed to bring ramps into ADA compliance. The primary goal of the ADA Compliance Collection project is to further enhance the Village’s extensive multi-use path and sidewalk network to maximize pedestrian accessibility and mobility throughout the Village and the region. With every roadway C BQJUBM *NQSPWFNFOU project, curb ramps are improved to comply with ADA requirements. Sidewalk ramp data collection was completed in 2023. The Village has nearly 4,800 sidewalk ramps with 41% of ramps in compliance. Park undertook an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

288 Engineering Plat Reviews Engineering staff reviewed 288 plans in 202 for foundation elevations, drainage, and general site grading as part of the building permit process. Typical permits reviewed are for new residential construction on individual lots, in-ground pools, and retaining walls.

240 Engineering Compliance Fence Permits Over 240 fence permits were reviewed by Engineering staff to ensure that the proposed fences were constructed in such a manner to maintain the natural surface water drainage of the properties upon which the fence is constructed or any adjoining properties.

More than 680 scheduled site utility inspections were performed to verify compliance to the submitted plans and specifications. Numerous unscheduled inspections were also undertaken to verify job status, site conditions, erosion issues and a myriad of other issues.

680 Other Engineering Services



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