2024 Budget In Brief
IN THE WORKS SE 4USFFU 8JEFOJOH *NQSPWFNFOUT The 143rd Street widening will add capacity to the roadway and improve traffic signal coordination. This project will also address existing traffic safety issues for motorists and pedestrians. This project is the highest priority to the Village and the Southwest Conference of Mayors. The project is divided into three separate sections: Ȉ 8JMM $PPL 3PBE UP 8PMG 3PBE This section of the project will widen 143rd Street from a two-lane road to a five-lane road with a left-turn lane to provide additional capacity for vehicular traffic. New traffic signals will be installed at Creek Crossing Drive. Design engineering is currently at 90% completion. Project is awaiting construction funding so start date is unknown. 5IF Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) does not approve Phase II Design Engineering until construction funding is secured. Construction is estimated to cost $15,000,000. To encourage IDOT to fund this project, the Village has offered a “Jurisdiction Transfer” to IDOT after they complete the project. JT allows municipalities to take over ownership and maintenance of the roadway in perpetuity when IDOT completes the improvements at their expense. Ȉ 8PMG 3PBE UP 8FTU "WFOVF Final design engineering began in late 2023. In 2024, the Village will once again submit RAISE and TARP grant applications requesting approximately 25.5 million in funding. The Village has committed its own funds for any remaining gaps in funding. Ȉ 8FTU "WFOVF UP 4PVUIXFTU )JHIXBZ Construction funding is secured with over $6 million dollars committed by the Village.The total estimated construction cost is $14 million. Design engineering of this section is underway and construction is expected to begin in 2026.
SE 4USFFU BOE +PIO )VNQISFZ %SJWF The project is currently in final design engineering.The project team is finalizing the land acquisition required (easements and right-of-way) to complete the intersection widening improvements and dry land bridge replacement. The project has received 3 million in Surface Transportation Program (STP) local funding for both the intersection improvements ($1,500,000) and dry land bridge replacement ($1,500,000) Design engineering is anticipated to be completed in 2024. SE 4USFFU BOE 3BWJOJB "WFOVF 3PVOEBCPVU The Village completed preliminary engineering design of a roundabout at153rd Street and Ravinia Avenue in 2023 and received approval from IDOT. The Village has been awarded approximately 2 million in federal grant funding to date for this project. Final design engineering will begin in 2024 with construction anticipated in late 2025 or early 2026. UI 4USFFU #JLF 1BUI In 2023, the Village was awarded approximately 1.3 million dollars from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). With the previously awarded 1.7 million of federal funding, the total project cost is approximately 70 paid using federal grants. The project is in final design engineering and construction is anticipated in 2025.
The project team has submitted the preliminary design documentation for IDOT review and approval. In 2024, the Village anticipates preliminary engineering will be
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