2024 Budget In Brief
*OUFSHPWFSONFOUBM .BJOUFOBODF "HSFFNFOU XJUI $PPL $PVOUZ In 2022, the Village entered into an intergovernmental agreement with Cook County, which granted the Village $500,000 to design and construct projects to address maintenance and drainage issues on Cook County’s roadways within the Village. In 2023, the Village initiated two projects using these funds: v OE "WFOVF &BTU %JUDI *NQSPWFNFOUT 5IF HPBM PG UIJT QSPKFDU JT UP JNQSPWF TUPSNXBUFS ESBJOBHF PO UIF FBTU TJEF PG OE "WFOVF GSPN #BTTXPPE -BOF UP ,BUZ -BOF OFBS 8FEHFXPPE &TUBUFT 1BSL 5IF 7JMMBHF BOUJDJQBUFT EFTJHO UP CF DPNQMFUFE JO UIF GJSTU IBMG PG XJUI DPOTUSVDUJPO QMBOOFE GPS MBUF UP FBSMZ v UI 4USFFU BOE 8PMG 3PBE %JUDI *NQSPWFNFOUT Design engineering will begin in 2024 to address nuisanceroadside stormwater drainage along Wolf Road near the 139th Street intersection. This project will also set up the ground elevations necessary to construct the future McGinnis Slough Bike Path project. v .D(JOOJT 4MPVHI #JLF 1BUI The Village is currently in preliminary engineering for the McGinnis Slough bike path, which will connect pedestrians from La Grange Road west to Wolf Road through the ComEd easement in McGinnis Slough. Due to pedestrian safety concerns, the project will no longer cross Wolf Road or Will-Cook Road and instead will proceed south along Wolf Road and connect to the proposed bike path as part of the future 143rd Street widening project.
Ȉ 4UFMMXBHFO 'BSNIPVTF 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO In 2023, Engineering staff continued development and coordination of the structural rehabilitation plans for the Stellwagen ' armhouse. The primary focus of this project is to add support to the house foundation and structural elements. Salvaged structural wood from the Boley Farm Deconstruction and Salvage project will be used as part of the foundation and support repairs. Ȉ +PIO )VNQISFZ )PVTF 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO In 2023, Engineering staff continued development and coordination of the structural rehabilitation plans for UIF John Humphrey House. The Village received approval from the State Historic Preservation Division for the proposed rehabilitation since the property is on the National Register of Historic Places. The project will focus on life-safety improvements to bring the structure up to current building codes. Elements of this project include foundation repair, upgrades to the fire alert system and accessibility improvements for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Construction is anticipated in summer of 2024. Salvaged structural wood from the Boley Farm Deconstruction and Salvage project will be used as part of the foundation and support repairs. &OWJSPONFOUBM BTTFTTNFOU BOE TVSWFZ PG UIF QSPQFSUZ XBT DPNQMFUFE JO &OHJOFFSJOH TUBGG DPPSEJOBUFE TQFDJGJD JUFNT UP CF TBMWBHFE GSPN UIF QSPQFSUZ 5IF QSPKFDU JT JO DPOTUSVDUJPO BT PG +BOVBSZ
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