2024 Budget In Brief

.BJO 1VNQ 4UBUJPO #ZQBTT The project will provide an additional layer of redundancy for maintaining the Village water supply. The improvement will provide an emergency connection inside of the pump station that will allow the Village to maintain water service to the community from the Village of Oak Lawn. Emergency connection piping will be designed to fit the existing infrastructure inside the pump station. Contractor selection process is in progress to complete this project by Fall of 2024. 4DIVTTMFS 1BSL 3FOPWBUJPOT Engineering TUBGG is providing project management support for the Schussler Park Renovations. The 13-million dollar project includes engineering items such as dredging of the existing pond, a new underground stormwater detention system, new parking lot, lighting, and two state-of-the-art artificial turf fields and amenities. 4QVS 8BUFS .BJO Engineering is leading the design, construction, permitting and project management of the “Spur 2” Water Main. This additional line will provide a secondary water source in case the Village’s existing water line (40+ years old) from Oak Lawn is out of service or needs to be temporarily inactive for maintenance. The redundant water line also provides additional water supply capacity for the Village. Construction started in late 2023 and is anticipated to be completed by 2025. 5JOMFZ $SFFL 4USFBNCBOL 4UBCJMJ[BUJPO This project will stabilize Tinley Creek's streambanks within the Village limits (from 151st Street to south of 159th Street). Because Tinley Creek is within private properties, the Village must obtain temporary and permanent easements for construction and to allow the Village to maintain the creek in the future. Throughout 2023, E OHJOFFSJOH TUBGG worked with residents to obtain of the required 5 easements through voluntary dedications.

*O PSEFS UP obtain the remaining six easements, the Village has initiated a condemnation process. A construction date will be determined once the easements are obtained.The Village anticipates the construction cost may significantly increase due to delays to complete the condemnation process. 5SBGGJD BOE 1BSLJOH 4UVEJFT GPS 1BSLT In summer of 2023, the Village CFHBO construction of Schussler Park and Centennial West Park. As part of the Village’s entitlements process, traffic and parking impact studies are required. Engineering staff facilitated coordination between the Orland Park Police Department, Recreation and Parks Department, Development Services Department and the Village’s engineering consultant for development of a traffic management plan for each park. Various traffic and parking considerations including potential impacts to surrounding neighborhoods, parking demand, pick up and drop-off areas and potential impacts to the Village’s roadway network. Traffic and Parking Studies were completed in March 2023. Construction of both parks projects BMTP CFHBO in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