CHESS SCHOLARS CAMP Develop your child’s intellect through the royal game of Chess! This half-day camp is for beginners as well as experienced players. Each day of camp will consist of a fun, interactive teaching period followed by guided practice time allowing the students to play against one another while being coached by an experienced instructor. The camp session will conclude with a non-elimination tournament.
LITTLE VETERINARIAN SCHOOL—DOGS! Camp participants will role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian and learn how to care for a dog. These future veterinarians will learn how to remove ticks, perform a nose-to-tail exam, understand proper animal nutrition and hydration, suture lacerations and more!
CONNIE’S ART CLUB MINI CAMP Learn while using various media to produce an 8 x 10 canvas that you can proudly display. Subject matter includes landscapes, animals and flowers. New paintings will be done each class. Templates and materials are provided.
INSTRUCTOR: Little Medical School PROG#: 97497 DATE: Jul 15-Jul 19 DAY: Monday-Friday TIME: 9 AM-12 PM AGE: 4 to 6 LOCATION: FLC—Room 103 FEE:
4 PM-5 PM
INSTRUCTOR: Chess Scholars DAY: Monday-Friday TIME: 9 AM-12 PM GRADE:
7 to 12
FLC—Room 100
Resident $30 | Non-resident $45
Kindergarten to 8th
Resident $187 | Non-resident $233
97465 97466 97467
Jun 10-Jun 12
LOCATION: 97477 FLC—Room 107
Resident $258 | Non-resident $283
Jul 8-Jul 10
Jul 15-Jul 19
Aug 12-Aug 14
Jul 29-Aug 2 FLC—Room LL109
INCLUSION The Village of Orland Park welcomes participants with special needs in all areas of programming. We strive to make all programs an optimal experience by providing reasonable accommodations to the program. The Special Recreation Division provides inclusion assistance to programs servicing clientele ages 3 years and up. Please indicate at the time of registration that 1:1 assistance is needed. Programs that are not eligible for 1:1 services are as follows: Parent/Tot classes, off-site and/or contracted programs and day care services. If you are requesting inclusion services, please contact the Special Recreation Supervisor at 708.403.6269 two weeks prior to the start of the program in order to start the inclusion process. Please reference page 113 for additional inclusion and ADA information.
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