PAINT LIKE MONET Students will learn about Monet and paint a 8 x 10 canvas of a swan, water lilies, sail boats or fruit. All supplies are included.
PRIVATE DRAWING & PAINTING LESSONS Refine your drawing/painting art skills through weekly private lessons with Gergana Horozova from Magenta Moon Art School of Orland Park. Each 90-minute lesson is perfectly tailored to your age, skill level, background and area of artistic interest to allow you to improve and resharpen your skills and build a portfolio with guidance and feedback from the instructor. NOTE: You must register by the Monday prior to Friday lesson. Parent/Adult must stay in the room during the lesson.
INCLUSION The Village of Orland Park welcomes participants with special needs in all areas of programming. We strive to make all programs an optimal experience by providing reasonable accommodations to the program. The Special Recreation Division provides inclusion assistance to programs servicing clientele ages 3 years and up. Please indicate at the time of registration that 1:1 assistance is needed. Programs that are not eligible for 1:1 services are as follows: Parent/Tot classes, off-site and/or contracted programs and day care services. If you are requesting inclusion services, please contact the Special Recreation Supervisor at 708.403.6269 two weeks prior to the start of the program in order to start the inclusion process. Please reference page 113 for additional inclusion and ADA information.
INSTRUCTOR: Connie Kaden PROG#: 97464 DATE: Jun 3 DAY: Monday TIME: 4 PM-5 PM AGE: 6 to 12 LOCATION: FLC—Room 100 FEE:
Resident $12 | Non-resident $18
INSTRUCTOR: Gergana Horozova DAY: Friday TIME: 5 PM-6:30 PM AGE: 8 to 12 LOCATION: FLC—Room 100 FEE:
“ Every child is an artist ”
Resident $45 | Non-resident $57
DATE: Jun 14 Jun 28 Jul 12 Jul 26 Aug 9 Aug 23
97772 97773 97774 97775 97776 97777
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