
The Heritage Sites provide a diverse range of opportunities for businesses and foundations to align with their philanthropic, marketing, and business objectives. Sponsorship is instrumental in preserving and enhancing Stellwagen Farm, Boley Farm, and the Humphrey House. The Heritage Sites provide unique opportunities for event-based collaborations at the Vintage Baseball game and Civil War re-enactment. Businesses can leverage these events to engage with the community, aligning their brand with cultural preservation initiatives. The Heritage Sites serve as a dynamic canvas for businesses and foundations to weave their philanthropic endeavors into the rich tapestry of community engagement and cultural heritage. HERITAGE

HERITAGE SITES SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Sponsorships support restoration projects and historical educational exhibits. $ 250 $ 500 $ 1,250

$ 2,500

Social media recognition Facebook, Instagram and X

✔ ✔ ✔

Digital and print publication recognition Village Website & Recreation Program Guide Business logo added to marketing materials Posters, postcards, flyers

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ Educational Exhibits, Special Events & Heritage Sites

✔ Educational Exhibits

✔ Educational Exhibits & Special Events

Acknowledgment at events hosted during the sponsorship year

✔ Special Events & Heritage Sites

✔ Special Events

Business logo displayed on permanent decorative stone at either Stellwagen Farm or Humphrey House


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