Adventurers Handbook 2022



BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mayor Keith Pekau Village Clerk Patrick R. O’Sullivan

Trustee William R. Healy Trustee Cynthia Nelson Katsenes Trustee Michael R. Milani

Trustee Sean Kampas Trustee Brian Riordan Trustee Joni Radaszewski

RECREATION BOARD Gino Gentile, Scott Trokey, James Arrendondo, Mike Martinez, Andrew Brennan, Kyle Kickert, Jim Pittacora, Diane DeVito, Jamie Makuch, Ed Hanley, Yvonne Shurley, John Lawler

ORLAND PARK VILLAGE STAFF George Koczwara, Village Manager Jim Cullota, Assistant Village Manager

Ray Piattoni

Director of Recreation & Parks Asst Director of Recreation & Parks Recreation Division Manager Program Supervisor Buddies Coordinator Voyagers Coordinator Adventurers Coordinator Summer Pals Coordinator Before Camp ProgramAssistant

Greg Bruggeman Jean Petrow Andrea Smaga Rachel Noteboom Ashley Tucker Lauren Maki Megan Ricketts Jennifer McQuinn




CAMP SITE LOCATIONS Buddies Franklin Loebe Center 14650 S Ravinia Avenue Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 341-2458 Voyagers & Summer Pals Cultural Center 14760 Park Lane Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 603-0119 • Voyagers (708) 417-3232 • Summer Pals Adventurers Centennial School 114101 Creek Crossing Drive Orland Park, IL 60467 (708) 341-2436 Centennial Park Aquatic Center 15600 West Avenue Orland Park, IL 60462 REGISTRATION LOCATIONS Sportsplex

11351 W. 159th Street Orland Park, IL 60467 (708) 403-5000 Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Village Hall 14700 Ravinia Avenue Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 403-6100 Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Program Reference Absences ............................................................................. Allergies ................................................................................ Before/Summer Pals............................................................ Calendars.............................................................................. Cameras/Electronics ............................................................. Centennial Park Aquatic Center ........................................... Closing Time .................................................................... Clothing ................................................................................ Discipline Policy ................................................................ Drop-off/Pick-up Map .......................................................... Drop-off/Pick-up Policy ......................................................... Expectations of Campers ...................................................... Food ...................................................................................... Goals ..................................................................................... Health & Illness ................................................................. Inclement Weather ................................................................ Lost & Found......................................................................... Medication ............................................................................ Philosophy ............................................................................ Program Highlights ............................................................... Registration .......................................................................... Scheduled Days .................................................................... Sunscreen Policy .................................................................. Time ...................................................................................... Transportation........................................................................ Working Together .............................................................. 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 3 6, 7 2 3 11 5 5 5 2,11 3 8, 9 10 2 7 3 1 3, 4


Day Camp Philosophy The Village of Orland Park Recreation & Parks Department recognizes the crucial need to provide an alternative, safe, supervised summer environment where a child can find companionship and enjoy recreation opportunities. Goals The Day Camp Program strives to provide our campers with the opportunity to have fun in an environment that is positive, supervised and safe. The opportunity to practice and develop appropriate social skills, and learn to make responsible choices. Program Highlights Adventurers is for campers in 5th grade through 7th grade . Some of Adventurers activities for the 2022 summer are subject to change and may include: • Wednesday swim days at Centennial Pool. • Onsite field trips/entertainment • Sports, arts, & STEM • Walking field trips up to one mile may occur Scheduled Days Adventurers meet 9:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Five day campers attend Monday through Friday. Three day campers attend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Registration Parents may register at either the Sportsplex office or Village Hall Cashier’s Office. All Day Camp registration papers must be completed before registration will be accepted.


Time Children come directly toAdventurers’ camp location. Campers are not accepted prior to 9:00 a.m. Campers are not released from camp until 3:15 p.m. Late Arrival Campers may arrive at camp no later than 11:00 a.m. After 11:00 a.m. your child will be considered absent and not accepted into camp that day. Absences Ifyourchildwillbeabsent fromtheAdventurers DayCampprogram, please call (708) 341-2436 prior to the start of camp. Failure to notify delays the start of our programs. If your child is absent from Adventurers, they may not attend Summer Pals. If your child is signed out from camp, your child will be considered absent for the remainder of the day and may not return to camp. Closing Time All children must be picked up at 3:15 p.m. from Adventurers. In the event of an emergency, parents are responsible for making arrangements for the child to be picked up. The Village of Orland Park has a three strike late fee pick-up policy. • A written warning will be given after each offense a parent/guardian is more than 10 minutes late in picking up their child • After the third warning, a $1.00 per minute fee will be issued after the initial ten minutes, the next time the parent/ guardian is late • The late fee must be paid at the registration office prior to the participant being admitted back into the next class, including Summer Pals. Drop-Off/Pick-Up Policy Staff will be available at 9:00 a.m. ( NO SOONER ). Please drop your child off to camp staff waiting at drop-off point. If you are escorting your child, you must park in the parking lot to keep the drop-off/pick-up lane moving. Please follow pattern for drop- off and pick-up shown on page 10. Stay in a single lane for 2

Drop-off/Pick-Up Policy cont. safety purposes. Staff will be available to discuss your child’s day at pick-up time. Please notify us if your child will be walking or riding a bike to and from camp. Transportation Recreation Department vehicles or hired school buses will transport children. Please refer to session calendar for scheduled outings. Food Campers attendingAdventurers are to bring their lunches daily, including pool days. If the pool trip is cancelled due to inclement weather, your child will not have an opportunity to purchase lunch. Campers receive water, except on field trips. Allergies It is imperative that the Day Camp staff, as well as the children themselves, be aware of all allergies. Art supplies or other environmental elements may elicit an allergic reaction that could be easily avoided. All allergies must be listed on the registration form. Due to the increase in food allergies, Day Camp is a nut free program . This means any food: sandwiches / snacks / treats / candies brought in must be peanut, peanut butter, and tree nut (almonds, walnuts, etc.) free. Clothing Clothing must be appropriate. No hanging hip pants, low cut tops or clothing that may be disruptive to activities and /or other campers. As a safety precaution, campers must wear shoes that are suitable for camp activities. We recommend gym shoes be worn. Each camper will receive one camp T-shirt per session. Camp shirts must be worn on all field trips .


Health & Illness For your child’s protection, as well as other children and our staff, keep your child home if he/she has had any of the following within the past 24 hours; sore throat and/or cough, discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, temperature over 99 degrees or a contagious disease. If you are in doubt about your child’s health, please keep your child at home. Should a child become ill at camp, he/she will be isolated from the other children. Parents will be notified immediately so the child may be picked up as soon as possible. In the case of a communicable disease, i.e. pink eye, chicken pox, head lice, measles, etc., parents are asked to notify Adventurers Day Camp at (708) 341-2436, as soon as the child is diagnosed. The name of the affected child is not released; however, camp parents are notified of the contagious illness. Inclement Weather Camp will remain in session. Any activity cancelled due to inclement weather will not be re-scheduled or refunded. Lost & Found Each camper is responsible for their belongings. The camper’s name should be on all personal items. A lost and found area will be designated so lost items may be claimed. At the end of each session any unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. We are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Medication Prior to administering any medication, a completed Medication Authorization Form must be submitted. A single dose of each medication must be sent in a sealed envelope. Each envelope must contain the specific information listed on the Medication Authorization Form. We prefer a one week supply of medication be kept at camp. Non-prescription drugs will only be administered with a written note from the parent/guardian and must be sent in its original package with the child’s name, dose, and administration time attached. 4

Cameras/Electronics Video recorders, or electronics of any kind are not permitted at camp. Use of personal cameras (not cell phone cameras)

are permitted on offsite field trips only. Cell Phones/Apple Watches

Cell phones andApple Watches are not permitted at any of our day camp programs. If a parent needs to contact their child, they may do so by calling the camp phone number located in the front of this book. If a child needs to contact their parent, they are welcome to do so by using the day camp phone. Calendars Calendars are provided online at Please refer to these often and send campers with the correct clothing and activity items, i.e. sunscreen, messy clothes, etc. Centennial Park Aquatic Center Adventurers will be swimming at Centennial Park Aquatic Center, weather permitting, on Mondays & Fridays except for the first week of each session. All campers will be required to wear a Tyvek wristband indicating they are Day Campers and are either a swimmer or a non-swimmer. Pool staff will give a swim test to check the campers ability to use slides and diving platforms. If the camper passes, a special colored wristband, indicating the swim level, will be issued. When leaving the pool, campers are responsible for collecting their own belongings. Sunscreen Policy • Due to allergies, Day Camp does not provide any type of sunscreen for the campers • Apply sunscreen to your camper prior to camp every day • Campers will spend time outdoors on a daily basis • Send additional sunscreen, with your camper’s name clearly marked on it, on a daily basis • We will remind the campers to re-apply sunscreen prior to the pool or if outdoors for an extended amount of time • Assistance in applying sunscreen will be provided, if necessary 5

WORKING TOGETHER In order to provide an effective Day Camp program, the staff, campers, and parents must all work together. Listed below are each group’s needed efforts to achieve such a goal. Staff Responsibilities • Create and maintain a safe environment for the campers while providing them with an enjoyable summer camp experience • Encourage campers to soar to new heights through participation in sports, games, art/crafts, music, nature, swimming, and field trips • Provide a caring environment where discipline is fair, equal, and respectful to the camper • Provide one staff for every nine campers • Teach the campers how to work and play as a member of a group without sacrificing individuality • Teach the campers a sense of fair play and a respect for authority, equipment, and property • Provide session calendars Parent Responsibilities • Support and help enforce the Day Camp’s policies and procedures • Drop off and pick up the campers promptly at the scheduled times • Report absences prior to camp starting • Inform staff of special needs for your child, i.e. allergies, medications (prescription or non-prescription), vacation from medicine • Keep staff informed of new phone numbers and new locations where parent or guardian can be reached in emergency situations


• Be open to communication from staff about your child’s behavior, and work with staff to establish an agreeable solution to any problems that might occur • Provide feedback as to the quality of the program If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us. Camper Responsibilities • Have fun • Be a good sport • Participate in wholesome and creative play • Be respectful to others • Be respectful of equipment and property • Follow the counselor’s instructions Expectation of Campers • Listen carefully the first time • Use appropriate language • Act in a responsible and appropriate manner • Stay with your assigned group, counselor and area at all times • Treat all people and property with respect • Pick up after yourself • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself • Wear camp T-shirt on all field trips


Discipline Policy & Procedures In an effort to enhance the day camp program experience for all campers, the following discipline policy and procedures will be implemented. Any violation of the rules and regulations set forth in this handbook will result in disciplinary action. While each situation will be handled individually, this general outline allows the best opportunity for all campers to have an enjoyable summer. The following reprimands will be given to campers who fail to meet the expectations listed. 1st Demerit Loss of camp activities, placement with Coordinator, assignment of camp tasks and communication with parent.

2nd Demerit

Loss of camp activities, placement with Coordinator, assignment of camp tasks and communication with the parent. Immediate loss of privileges for the remainder of the day, placement with Coordinator and communication with parent. Immediate loss of privileges for the remainder of the day, placement with Coordinator. Probation period of five attendance days. Communication with parent. Suspension from camp, immediate parent conference required, probation period of five attendance days.

3rd Demerit

4th Demerit

5th Demerit

6th Demerit Expulsion. Demerits will carry over from one session to the next and into the extended camp hours if applicable. Suspension and expulsion result in a non-refund policy . 8

Inappropriate Behavior Resulting in Immediate Suspension • Accruing five demerits • Defacing or destroying any property • Fighting, regardless of who starts it • Blatant disregard for rules • Foul, disrespectful or abusive language/actions • Leaving the premises or field trip group without permission • Any behavior that is deemed physically or emotionally harmful to other campers or oneself • Theft • Interfering with the bus driver in route to destination • Inappropriate materials (magazines, music, photos, publications) A suspension can be issued for a period of one day or longer. An immediate conference will be set up with the parent, camper, Coordinator and Supervisor to discuss present and future disciplinary procedures. Causes for Immediate Expulsion • Continued behavior for which camper was placed on probation, or upon reaching the 6th demerit • Possession of a dangerous weapon or article • Possession of a controlled substance (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes) • Possession of imitation weapon or imitation controlled substance Expulsion will be issued for a period of time designated by Coordinators, the Program Supervisor, Recreation Division Manager, and Director of Recreation. A conference will then be held with said staff and the parent to discuss the decision and recommendations.


Drop-off/Pick-up Area Adventurers Drop-off 9:00-9:15 a.m. Pick-up 3:15 p.m.

Brigitte Terrace



Centennial School

Creek Crossing Drive

• Please drop off your child at the curb directly in front of the building • Your child enters through the side entrance to our camp • If you are escorting your child into the building, you must park in the parking lot to keep the drop-off and pick-up lane moving • Please follow pattern for pick-up and drop-off • Please stay in a single line for safety purposes • We will load the first three cars and then move the line forward • No unattended child will be allowed to go to a parked car in the lot.


Opportunity for Before Camp 7:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

Opportunity for Summer Pals 3:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. This program is designed as an extension of the camper’s day and compliments the Day Camp program. All guidelines, rules, and regulations set forth in this handbook also apply to Summer Pals. This program is held at the Cultural Art Center, 14760 Park Lane. There is an additional fee for Summer Pals. Summer Pals participants will be transported to the location of the day, as indicated on the Summer Pals calendar. We will return to the Cultural Art Center to finish the day. Possible Summer Pals activities include: • Daily snack • On site field trips/entertainment • Theme days with correlating activities • Walking field trips to parks and other local attractions • Variety of games, sports and projects All children must be picked up by 6:30 p.m. In the event of an emergency the parents are responsible for making arrangements for the child to be picked up. Parents may pick up their camper at our off site locations, as indicated on the Summer Pals calendar. Parents will be asked to sign a daily sign-out sheet before their child is released. Please refer to page 2 under Close Time for late pick-up policy. Before Camp is designed for early morning campers to start their day. The program meets Monday through Friday at the location of your child’s day camp. The program requires an additional fee. Before Camp will not accept campers prior to 7:00 a.m. Breakfast is provided daily. Campers will have the choice of planned activities. Campers will be transported to the Adventurers camp site at 8:45 a.m. Before Camp follows the same guidelines as Adventurers. This includes all rules and regulations set forth in this handbook.


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