






CHAPTER 1 CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE����������������3 THE MUSEUM..........................................................................5 STELLWAGEN FARM.................................................................5 BOLEY FARM...........................................................................5 HUMPHREY HOUSE.................................................................6 CHIAPPETTI SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND HOSTERT CABINS ������������6 CHAPTER 2 STRATEGIC PLAN....................................................9 HERITAGE SITES.....................................................................10 STAFFING AND VOLUNTEER...................................................15 HERITAGE SITES PROGRAMMING AND SPECIAL EVENTS ���������16








THE MUSEUM The Museum was opened in 2016 as a tribute and concerted effort to document the rich history of Orland Park. Located in old Village Hall, 14415 Beacon Ave., the Museum features a small space for rotating exhibits, space for various permanent displays, office space for staff and volunteers, a small stage for presentations, and storage space for permanent 3-dimensional, textile, and archival collections. The Museum falls under the Recreation and Parks Department and is staffed by one full-time employee, augmented by the Museum Development Advisory Board and a group of dedicated volunteers. The Museum is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00a – 3:00p.

Volunteer cleaning a historic document in the Museum’s collection.

STELLWAGEN FARM The Village acquired Stellwagen Farm in 2002 and continues to work with the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation to maintain the historic integrity of the property. The farm, featuring a farmhouse, windmill, barn with silo and 10 outbuildings, is used for tours, programs and special events, including the vintage baseball game and Civil War event. Programs are offered from May – October. Approximately 47 acres are leased to a local farmer, who plants soybeans, corn and other crops on a rotating basis. In 2020, structural concerns caused the closure of the farmhouse until it could be stabilized. This work is anticipated to be completed in 2023. BOLEY FARM Boley Farm features several outbuildings, many of which are beyond repair and scheduled to be razed. The Village recently contracted HPZS to evaluate Boley, Stellwagen and the Humphrey House. This historic site is currently used as a passive site. From July through October, a local farmer hosts a farm stand in the main barn. The farm stand will continue operations in 2023.


HUMPHREY HOUSE The Humphrey House was built in 1881 and is the former home of Senator John Humphrey and his family. The home is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Village acquired the site from the Orland Historic Society in 2022 and is in the process of completing various restoration projects including structural repairs, electrical updates and meeting ADA requirements to allow for greater accessibility.

CHIAPPETTI SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND HOSTERT CABINS The Chiappetti Slaughterhouse is currently located at the corner of 144th Ave and Ravinia Ave, off the walking path near the northern entrance of the Humphrey Woods. The 60-ton single-story limestone building was moved from the Andrew Corporation property in 1986. The Jacob and Bernard Hostert Cabins are replica cabins based on their original cabins from the 1850s. Located on West Avenue, the Cabins showcase 19th-century log cabin construction and the lifestyle of Orland’s earliest settlers. The Chiappetti Slaughterhouse and Hostert Cabins are primarily passive buildings and are only open to the public for scheduled tours, special events, or programs.






The Humphrey House, Stellwagen Farm, Boley Farm, History Museum, Chiappetti Slaughterhouse and Hostert Cabins are going through an unprecedented time of Village investment by acquiring and remediating the Humphrey House, remediating unsafe environmental and structural conditions at Boley Farm, and stabilizing the house at Stellwagen Farm. As the Village invests in the preservation of its historic structures, it is the ideal time to set a strategic plan for these Heritage Sites to serve the residents and visitors for years to come. STRATEGIC PLAN Currently operating as separate entities supervised by the Recreation and Parks Department, the Heritage Sites share a common purpose: to preserve and interpret the history of Orland Park, while offering relevant programming and events at each location. Since the sites are supported by, and for the Orland Park community, it would be more efficient and effective if these supported sites were combined under one Heritage sites umbrella as shown below.






HERITAGE SITES The sites would operate under the supervision of the Recreation and Parks Department. The Strategic Plan outlines the role of each site, as well as the role of the full-time supervisor that will oversee the Heritage Sites. THE MUSEUM The History Museum is housed in a one-story brick building that formerly served as Village Hall until 1989 when the current Village Hall and complex opened. The Village recently contracted with Legat Architects to perform a facility assessment of all Village owned facilities including the Museum building. The assessment concluded that the building has a myriad of issues, with estimated repairs exceeding $908,000. Additionally, the Museum building does not provide the environmental controls that are required to preserve artifacts. Further, the assessment report notes that the building is not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and that the life expectancy of the building is “less than 5 years.” While staff and volunteers have worked tirelessly to attract members, program and event attendees, the total number of individuals served each year is approximately 1200. Based on the low usage, expensive estimated repairs, and limited expected life expectancy of the building, it is recommended that the Museum be closed upon the approval and adoption of the Heritage Sites Strategic Plan. Upon the Museum’s closure, the Museum Supervisor will move to the Recreation Administration (RA) building. Workstations and production space will be created for volunteers as RA becomes the main workspace for the Heritage Sites Division. Additional workspaces would be created at the Humphrey House and on the second floor for utilization during hours the Humphrey House is open to the public. Short-term, the Museum building will continue to house the Village’s artifact collection and be used for historically based programs. As such, the building would remain available to support these programs and for researchers to access the collection.


Long-term, the Village’s archival, 3-dimensional, textile and research collection will move to RA. This move will be dependent on build-out of storage space in the basement of RA. Future historically based exhibits will be displayed at various locations throughout the Village including Village Hall, the Civic Center, Sportsplex and the Orland Park Public Library. These displays will be rotated and updated every three to four months and will include a narrative relating to Orland’s history. Having a decentralized approach to exhibits will allow the general public to learn about the community’s historic assets and allow greater accessibility to the Village’s collection. HUMPHREY HOUSE

The John Humphrey House is considered a house museum and will continue to be interpreted circa 1900. Moving forward, the home will be interpreted with Humphrey family artifacts, as well as other items from the Orland area. The Humphrey House will become the satellite workstation for the newly formed Heritage Sites. The House will host special events and programs. For example, programs can include tea and wine tastings, music performances and historic lectures. Larger programs and events will be hosted in other Village and local facilities. The Humphrey House features 3 upstairs bedrooms: 1 for the adults and 2 bedrooms for the children. The adult bedroom and one child bedroom will continue to be interpreted for the appropriate period. It is being recommended to turn the third bedroom into a Humphrey family rotating exhibit. This will allow the collection to be made more widely available while still maintaining two period appropriate bedrooms.

Following recommendations, the kitchen in the Humphrey House will be interpreted to the appropriate time period, circa 1900. The current kitchen interpretation is from approximately 1950, which does not match the era that the rest of the home is interpreted as. Previously, when operated by the Orland Historical Society, the Humphrey House was open for tours the 2nd Sunday of the month from 2:00p – 4:00p. It is recommended the Humphrey House be open to the general public Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00a – 3:00p once renovations are complete.

STELLWAGEN AND BOLEY FARMS In addition to Stellwagen Farm, the oversight of Boley Farm will move under the Recreation and Parks Department. The farms will be utilized and marketed as unique and separate entities. The goal is for each farm is to maximize its amenities and develop its own unique identity. STELLWAGEN FARM Stellwagen Farm is a popular site for self-guided walking tours, programs and special events. The Farm has hosted a vintage baseball game, Civil War reenactments and Farmer is the Man music presentation.

The future of Stellwagen Farm is to maintain the property as it is currently designed, add parking to the south of the main barn, and interpret the farmhouse and outbuildings, allowing visitors to experience farm life circa 1915. The Farm’s focus will be on Orland Park’s agricultural history, providing tours and educational exhibits, while providing a wonderful backdrop for outdoor special events and programming. With the addition of a parking lot to the south of the barn (see Figure 1), this will enable the site to more efficiently and safely host attendees. Stellwagen would continue to host Stellwagen Family Tours each fall, as well as by appointment, and on special occasions. Figure 1: Stellwagen Farm proposed parking


National Registry of Historic Sites Due to the farm’s rich agricultural history, staff plan to apply for the Farm to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. If approved, this site will be the third nationally recognized historic site in Orland Park. The other sites are the Twin Towers Chapel and the Humphrey House.

BOLEY FARM Boley Farm was purchased in 2001 and is nestled on 5.8-acre site. Boley recently came under the purview of the Recreation and Parks Department. Presently, Boley hosts an annual farm stand from July through October. The site also includes a parking lot, making it a great site for the farm stand. Boley Farm Barn Rehabilitation Boley Farm structures are undergoing extensive rehabilitation and razing. According to the plan: The Village’s primary focus for historic preservation and interpretation is Stellwagen Farm. Most structures at Boley Farm are documented and removed to minimize liability and maintenance costs and operate as good stewards of public funds. Foundations of the historic structures are retained as architectural landscape features on the site. The Ground Barn, Silo, Milk House remain to host Hank’s Farm Stand. The Granary is maintained, in lieu of the Threshing Barn, on account of being in better condition. The lean-to addition and the Hog House are removed. The Granary contributes to the historic look and provides potential reuse for storage or event rentals. Many historic and non-historic structures are documented and removed. Foundations of the removed historic structures are repaired and protected to serve as artifacts in the landscape. Interpretation of the remaining foundations is programmed and installed. Key artifacts and salvageable materials are saved from demolished buildings and can be stored in the retained barn. The remaining structures are stable. When renovations at Boley Farm are complete, the farm will feature a ground barn, milk house, silo and granary; the remaining structures will be removed for safety purposes. Because Boley Farm is on a smaller parcel of land, its proximity to a high-traffic road, and the existence of another farm better suited to host special events, programs and tours, Boley will be used as a passive site. This will include walking paths, which will have interpretive signs detail ing the history of the site and family. Tours would be offered by appointment only. CHIAPPETTI SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND HOSTERT CABINS The Hostert Cabins were recently procured after the Village acquired the assets of the Orland Historic Society. These are replicas and were constructed in the 1980s. Due to weather structural damage, both cabins are in need of repairs. After repairs are complete the cabins will be used for educational purposes, as these provide a wonderful glimpse into the early settlement of the area. Each will include interpretive signage and include self-guided walking tours. The goal of the Chiappetti Slaughterhouse is to interpret the structure to circa 1930s. It was during this time that the Chiappetti family owned and used the slaughterhouse to produce meat for sale from calves and lamb. The family has expressed an interest in donating original tools and furniture when the site is ready to be interpreted. Use of the structures would be tours by appointment, special events and programs. There is no significance to the current locations of the Slaughterhouse or Hostert Cabins. Short-term it is recommended that these structures remain in the current locations. The long-term goal is to relocate the structures to Stellwagen Farm. There, the Slaughterhouse and Cabins will continue to as passive sites in addition to being available for tours and programs. The Heritage Sites supervisor will continue to monitor the sites and update/interpret them, potentially highlighting each season.




STAFFING AND VOLUNTEER As the breath of Heritage Sites have grown, so too has the time and effort by both staff and volunteers to maintain collections, introduce programs and produce special events. Staff As the focus of Heritage Sites shifts to more programming and events, and less emphasis on archival collections, the title and job description of Museum Curator have outgrown the original title and job description. Since the inception of this positon, the Museum Curator has gone from part-time to full-time, adding the duty of Board Liaison. After this duty was removed, Stellwagen Farm, Boley Farm and the Humphrey House were added to this position, along with increased programming and events. Because of the changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position, it is recommended that the position be retitled to Heritage Sites Supervisor. This better defines the duties and responsibilities

of this role. Volunteers

Volunteers have become an essential part of the Heritage Sites operation, not only in the execution of the Heritage Sites but also in the knowledge and wisdom of area history. The Museum has been fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers that provide significant time, talent and energy to the Museum, Stellwagen Farm and the Humphrey House. These volunteers are the heart of the Museum, providing countless hours of research, cataloging, advocating and providing assistance in support of historic programs and events. Their work is primarily performed in a 420 square foot production space in the Curator’s office area. A similar space can be created at the Recreation Administration Building, and the Humphrey House. These spaces will support the synergy and sense of comraderies and fellowship among volunteers. It is imperative this sense of passionate culture continue to be cultivated and supported as operations shift out of the Museum building. Staff will consult with volunteers to create this workspace. The goal is to build a space that allows for free-flowing conversations, exchange of ideas, and fellowship.

The Village maintains a collection of over 25,000 artifacts.


Group Tour Rates One-hour personalized Heritage Sites tours, including the Museum and Humphrey House, are available by appointment. The cost for a group of ten or less will be $35 for the general public. Each additional person over ten will be $3 each. Non-profit organizations (scouts, churches, municipalities) will be $25 for ten and $2 for each additional person. The tours are customizable based on the tour group’s needs and interests. Group tours of the Chiappetti Slaughterhouse and/or Hostert Cabins would be an additional $10. Teaching local history is part of Orland School District 135’s curriculum. These Orland Park Heritage sites will provide local schools an opportunity for field trips allowing students to make connections with classroom learning. Orland School District 135 school tours will remain free. All tours will be coordinated through the Heritage Sites Supervisor. Tours of Stellwagen Farm and/or Boley Farm will be available for the same cost.



PROGRAMMING Heritage Sites will continue to offer a wide range of Historic programs, such as living histories, tea and wine tastings, murder mysteries and historic walking tours. Program locations will shift from the Museum to other sites, including the Humphrey House and Stellwagen Farm. Heritage Sites will also venture into new programming based on best programming practices and innovation; staff will conduct a program inventory analysis and fill in any missing gaps in programming on a regular basis. Existing programs will also be evaluated and any programs no longer serving the public, based on registration numbers, will be modified, postponed or canceled based on the program life cycle.





SPECIAL EVENTS Staff have worked to increase the number of special events offerings including the Luminary Walk, Civil War reenactment, Vintage Baseball and Museum Night Out. An ongoing goal of the Heritage Sites would be to create special events each season which highlight the uniqueness of each site.

Vintage Baseball Game at Stellwagen Farm.

Heritage Sites Memberships In conjunction with the implementation of this Strategic Plan, Museum memberships will become Heritage Sites memberships. The membership will expand to include all Heritage Sites including discounts to programs and special events at all Village Heritage Sites. The membership will continue to provide free or discounted admission to programs and events for which there may be a fee. A non-resident fee category will be added to membership options. This aligns with the other memberships and services offered by the Village. Before assuming ownership of the Humphrey House, the Orland Historical Society included 37 members. These members would be grandfathered into the Heritage Sites membership and be given a 1-year membership. The new membership fee structure will take effect with approval by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. The recommended fee structure would be as follows:












Advisory Boards and Foundations Currently there is a board and foundation for the Museum and a family foundation for Stellwagen Farm. It is recommended that the Boards merge into one Orland Park Heritage Board and the Orland Park Heritage Foundation. Members could be the same on each board or could be different groups of residents. Establishing a foundation would allow staff to apply for grants that require a 501(c)3 designation, as well as accept donations given with specific intent to support one or more the Heritage Sites. The Current Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation is comprised of five members. The current Museum and Development Advisory Board and Museum Foundation as comprised of seven members. The new Heritage Sites Board is recommended to consist of nine members, similar to the Recreation Advisory Board. The future makeup of the Heritage Board and Foundation will be appointed by the Mayor. To provide efficient, effective and economical governance, the following functions and duties have been adapted for the Heritage Board from the Recreation Advisory Board’s Functions and Duties. The Heritage Board would be an advisory board serving as an advocate for the Heritage Sites and providing overall guidance and feedback on fundraising, programs and special events. Specific Functions and Duties would include: The Heritage Board created hereunder shall advise the Recreation and Parks Department, the Village President and Board of Trustees while performing the following functions: 1. Provide recommendations for annual goals and objectives for the Heritage Sites with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) goals. These goals will be discussed by the Heritage Board each year for the next calendar year. These goals will be for the programs, special events, fundraising and exhibits. This shall not include personnel or budget recommendations. 2. Board Members assist the Heritage Site’s efforts to generate resources through fundraising. 3. Advise and make recommendations on programming, memberships, operations, facility hours, special events and other initiatives for Heritage Sites. 4. Provide input, guidance, and assistance for high-profile historical initiatives including oral histories and digitalization projects and other efforts to preserve Orland Park history. 5. Assist the Heritage Sites Supervisor with the production of programs and special events as volunteers. 6. Advise and make recommendations for fee structures including rental fees, membership fees and any other user fees associated with the Heritage Sites. 7. Assist the Heritage Sites Supervisor with securing sponsorships and in-kind donations in support of Heritage Site initiatives. 8. Foster partnerships with business, governments and civic organizations to enhance and support the education to those that visit the Heritage Sites. Budget Budgets for each historical site will be combined under the Heritage Site’s purview. The Heritage Sites budget process will follow the same process as all Village budgets. A separate budget for the Heritage Sites Foundation will be created and used for donations and grants specific to these entities. This will become effective, with Board approval in the 2023 Village Budget.


Sponsorship Sponsorships play a large role in the Recreation and Parks Department’s success, this will be no different for Heritage Sites. A variety of sponsorship opportunities will be developed for these historic assets. These may include sponsorship for exhibits, education, outreach and publications. The intent is to partner with companies and organizations to provide the highest quality exhibits, programs and educational experiences while providing benefits through access to our members and guests. Exhibit sponsorships will be offered at several different locations and with each location offering four different displays annually. The decentralized sponsorship opportunities will be a better value for potential sponsors. The sponsor ship will include social media recognition, naming rights logo and details listed on the exhibit. Sponsorship benefits will be negotiated by the Village and the sponsor. Education sponsorships will be offered for programs and special events. The sponsor will receive acknowledgment at the program/event, social media recognition, logo on promotional material while the Village will receive funds to offset the cost of the program.

Community Partnerships As local government funding becomes more and more scarce, now is the ideal time to cultivate local partnerships with other agencies, like the library and township. Creating new partnerships with other local government agencies will save costs, increase innovation and maximize resources while providing greater access to services. Strategic collaboration offers participating agencies a way to achieve their goals in cost effective and innovative way. The first step will be contacting other agencies to see if there is a natural fit in collaboration, starting with the Orland Park Library. The Heritage Sites have a bright future. This strategic plan is designed to guide the sites toward positive change and deliberate growth. The plan will be reevaluated and updated in 2027 for potential implementation in 2028 through 2032.


VILLAGE OF ORLAND PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAYOR Keith Pekau VILLAGE CLERK Patrick R. O’Sullivan TRUSTEES: William R. Healy, Cynthia Nelson Katsenes, Michael R. Milani, Sean Kampas, Brian J. Riordan, Joni J. Radaszewski



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