
STAFFING AND VOLUNTEER As the breath of Heritage Sites have grown, so too has the time and effort by both staff and volunteers to maintain collections, introduce programs and produce special events. Staff As the focus of Heritage Sites shifts to more programming and events, and less emphasis on archival collections, the title and job description of Museum Curator have outgrown the original title and job description. Since the inception of this positon, the Museum Curator has gone from part-time to full-time, adding the duty of Board Liaison. After this duty was removed, Stellwagen Farm, Boley Farm and the Humphrey House were added to this position, along with increased programming and events. Because of the changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position, it is recommended that the position be retitled to Heritage Sites Supervisor. This better defines the duties and responsibilities

of this role. Volunteers

Volunteers have become an essential part of the Heritage Sites operation, not only in the execution of the Heritage Sites but also in the knowledge and wisdom of area history. The Museum has been fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers that provide significant time, talent and energy to the Museum, Stellwagen Farm and the Humphrey House. These volunteers are the heart of the Museum, providing countless hours of research, cataloging, advocating and providing assistance in support of historic programs and events. Their work is primarily performed in a 420 square foot production space in the Curator’s office area. A similar space can be created at the Recreation Administration Building, and the Humphrey House. These spaces will support the synergy and sense of comraderies and fellowship among volunteers. It is imperative this sense of passionate culture continue to be cultivated and supported as operations shift out of the Museum building. Staff will consult with volunteers to create this workspace. The goal is to build a space that allows for free-flowing conversations, exchange of ideas, and fellowship.

The Village maintains a collection of over 25,000 artifacts.


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