
HUMPHREY HOUSE The Humphrey House was built in 1881 and is the former home of Senator John Humphrey and his family. The home is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Village acquired the site from the Orland Historic Society in 2022 and is in the process of completing various restoration projects including structural repairs, electrical updates and meeting ADA requirements to allow for greater accessibility.

CHIAPPETTI SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND HOSTERT CABINS The Chiappetti Slaughterhouse is currently located at the corner of 144th Ave and Ravinia Ave, off the walking path near the northern entrance of the Humphrey Woods. The 60-ton single-story limestone building was moved from the Andrew Corporation property in 1986. The Jacob and Bernard Hostert Cabins are replica cabins based on their original cabins from the 1850s. Located on West Avenue, the Cabins showcase 19th-century log cabin construction and the lifestyle of Orland’s earliest settlers. The Chiappetti Slaughterhouse and Hostert Cabins are primarily passive buildings and are only open to the public for scheduled tours, special events, or programs.


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