Trail Blazers handbook 2024

Causes for Immediate Expulsion continued... • Possession of imitation weapon or imitation controlled substance • Racist and/or intolerant behavior Expulsion will be issued for a period of time designated by Coordinators, the Program Supervisor, Recreation Division Manager, Assistant Director and Director of Recreation & Parks. A conference will then be held with said staff and the parent to discuss the decision and recommendations.

Drop-off/Pick-up Area Trail Blazers Drop-off 8:50 a.m. - 9 a.m. Pick-up 3 p.m.

All drop-offs and pick-ups will be at Prairie Elementary School parking area. You should follow the route shown for door-to door drop-off/pick-up. No unattended child will be allowed to go to a parked car in the lot. When in the drop-off/pick-up line, pull up to the farthest position and wait until our counselors bring your child to you, move up as needed. 10

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