VOP Fall Winter 2014

Veterans of all ages from all eras attended the village’s Veterans Day Ceremony on Tuesday, November 11.

Normally held outside at the village’s Veterans Memorial, this year’s ceremony was moved indoors because of inclement weather.

Eric Keness and Taryn Mitchell, both students at Orland Junior High School, present a wreath from the school for Veterans Day.

Veterans Day Fifteen Veterans’ Names Added to Village’s Granite Wall VILLAGE OF ORLAND PARK OBSERVES

“We come together at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day during the eleventh month,” said Trustee Jim Dodge as he welcomed nearly 300 attendees to the village’s Veterans Day Ceremony held inside of the Orland Park Civic Center because of inclement weather. A veteran of the United States Army, Dodge went on to explain the history of Veterans Day, which was previously known as “Armistice Day.” WorldWar I, known at the time as “The Great War,” officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versaille on June 28, 1919. Fighting had stopped seven months prior when an armistice or temporary halt to fighting between the allied nations and Germany went into effect at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

“Today is a day that we remember all who served and continue to serve our country,” Dodge said. “We are honored to have veterans from so many eras with us today and we thank all of you for your service,” he added. Dodge noted Veterans Day observances across the country, encouraging everyone in the audience, especially the students who walked over from Orland Junior High School for the ceremony, to talk to veterans to learn and share their stories. Dodge added, “As we pass these stories from generation to generation, those that follow us will learn why our country is the land of the free because of the brave.”

20 ORLAND PARK PUBLIC FALL/WINTER 2014 | www.orlandpark.org

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