VOP Fall Winter Public 2015



On the surface, Jerling Junior High Student Madisyn Fotsis is a lot like any average 13-year-old kid. She goes to school, loves her friends, plays sports, and does well at all of it. Her heart is as big as her smile. This alone is reason enough to call her a “young achiever.” But, in addition to all of these things, she has gone above and beyond recently to help another young girl. When Madisyn found out that a little girl named Ava was very sick, she knew she had to do something. Ava Martin is the daughter of a close family friend. Ava is in the hospital with complications following an initial diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She is on the waiting list for a heart transplant and is on a breathing tube. The road has been tough for this little girl. Fortunately, she has friends like Madisyn fighting alongside. “She has fought so hard and is so young. We’re going to do whatever we can to help,” shared Madisyn. In order to help, Madisyn is selling bracelets to help defray the costs of long-term medical care. “I wanted to sell these because I wanted them to know someone else is there to help them,” said Madisyn. The purple bracelets, imprinted with #AmazingAva, are being sold by Madisyn during her lunch period for $5. All of the proceeds go to help little Ava. “Madisyn serves as a great example of reaching out and helping others in their darkest hour,” said Jerling Junior High Principal Kevin Brown. “We are proud to have her as a part of the Jayhawk family and are excited that she has been chosen as a Young Achiever.”

Madisyn Fotsis, 13

Do you know someone who should be recognized as a young achiever in an upcoming issue of the Orland Park Public? Email orlandparkpublic@orlandpark.org to let us know!



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