VOP Spring Public 2015


VILLAGE WEBSITE The village website has a plethora of information available to residents in just a few clicks. Looking for meeting dates and times? Want to know what events are happening around town? Need a permit for construction or tree removal? Would you like updates on road construction in the area? All of this information is readily available on our website at www.orlandpark.org. TWITTER Follow us on Twitter at @VillageOrlandPk to receive timely tweets about events, traffic, public announcements and more.

FACEBOOK Did you know that the Village of Orland Park has a Facebook page? Many events, important information and highlights of people in our community are featured on our Facebook page. Visit the village’s page at Facebook.com/villageoforlandpark and give us a “like” to stay up to date on all that’s happening. PINTEREST Are you on Pinterest? Follow our Pinterest page and boards @ www.pinterest.com/vlgoforlandpark to find out more about Orland Park, current and past local events, history of the area and to find things to do in town.

26 ORLAND PARK PUBLIC SPRING 2015 | www.orlandpark.org

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