VOP Summer Fall 2015


Residents are invited to participate in the village’s first-ever telephone town hall meeting on Thursday, September 10 from 7- 8 p.m.

Residents with a land line telephone will receive a call moments before the start of the meeting, inviting them to stay on the line to participate. Those that have a more specific question can press star (*) to be entered into a queue. Questions will be answered in the order they are received. If time does not allow for all questions to be answered, residents can stay on the line to leave a voicemail message stating their name, number and question/concern. Additionally, residents with questions unrelated to the night’s topics can also leave a voicemail message at the end of the meeting. In this fast-paced age, we realize many families rely solely on their cell phones and may no longer use a land line telephone. We still want these residents to participate and have provided a call-in telephone number. Residents can dial (708) 568-1088 moments before the start of the meeting to participate.

As the name suggests, the meeting will be held over the phone in a conference call format. As the meeting begins, participants will be able to ask questions live, similar to a call-in radio program. Village of Orland Park Mayor Dan McLaughlin will be taking your questions and will be joined by Trustee James Dodge, Village Manager Paul Grimes, Director of Public Works John Ingram and Transportation & Engineering Manager Kurt Corrigan. The telephone town hall meeting will cover a topic affecting anyone who is on the go – road construction. LaGrange Road updates will be discussed, as well as the village’s Road Improvement Program. The mayor and trustees know that residents care about the community and may have questions or concerns. The virtual town hall meeting format is one way to open up the conversation, to allow for more resident participation and engagement. The goal is to provide a format that feels more convenient, as you will be in the comfort of your own home.

Please join us for this interactive hour to ask questions or share concerns.


ORLAND PARK PUBLIC « SUMMER/FALL 2015 « orlandpark.org

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