VOP Summer Fall 2015


Participants of the Teen Citizens’ Police Academy at the Orland Park Police Department.

Teen Citizens’ Police Academy

The Orland Park Police Department recently hosted the first Teen Citizens’ Police Academy. Nineteen area teenagers participated in the 16-hour training program to gain a better “understanding through education” on how policing is conducted in the community. The academy included training segments on:

• T he Cook County State’s Attorneys Office - Roles and Responsibilities • S outh Suburban Emergency Response Team Operations

• K 9 capabilities • I nvestigations Division • I nternet Investigations • S earch and Seizure • U se of Force

• A uthority and Scope • R ecruiting and Training

• C ommunications • P atrol Operations • Traffic enforcement and DUI investigations

“The academy allowed area teenagers to gain insight into the many responsibilities of the Orland Park Police Department,” remarked Orland Park Police Chief Tim McCarthy. “We hope that the teens who participated took away a clearer understanding of the many policies and programs in place in order to keep their community safe.” The academy also included a department tour, equipment review and hands-on training in evidence processing. On the last day of the academy, the young adults had the opportunity to assess judgment, timing and accuracy in a scenario based firearms simulator.


ORLAND PARK PUBLIC « SUMMER/FALL 2015 « orlandpark.org

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