Voyagers Handbook 2022
Drop-off/Pick-up Area Voyagers Drop-off 8:50 - 9:00 a.m. Pick-up 3:00 p.m.
Doogan Park & Tennis Courts
Ball Diamond
CAC Parking Lot
Cultural Arts Center
Parking Lot
Grassy Median
enter Doogan Pavillion
Park Lane Voyagers Drop-Off/Pick-Up
All drop-offs and pick-ups will be at the Cultural Arts Center parking area. You should follow the route shown for door-to- door drop-off/pick-up. No unattended child will be allowed to go to a parked car in the lot. When in the drop-off/pick-up line, pull up to the farthest position and wait until our counselors bring your child to you, move up as needed. When leaving, please be very careful of people in the parking lot. Let’s have a fun and safe summer. • Please follow the pattern for pick-up and drop-off • Please stay in a single line for safety purposes • Please do not arrive before 2:50 p.m. for pick-up
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