Winter 2021 Senior Newsletter


Stand behind a chair. Slowly lift your right leg straight back – don’t bend your knees or point your toes. Hold that position for one second, then gently bring your leg back down. Repeat this ten to 15 times per leg. Remember, to use a sturdy chair. If using a desk chair with wheels, always lock them into place before beginning. Leg Raises Sit up straight with your feet flat. Slowly lift your right leg toward your hands and then lower your foot back to the floor. Repeat with your left leg. Perform ten repetitions per leg, for a total of twenty reps. For an added challenge, pause for a five-count at the top of the movement. Seated Toe Touch Widen your legs, and place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lean forward, dropping your torso toward your thighs. Relax your neck, and lower your hands toward your feet. When you feel a stretch, hold the position for thirty seconds then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat three times. Sit in the chair, toward the edge of the seat. Slowly, sit up a few inches from the chair, then return to the seated position. This exercise can be difficult, try using the chair armrests for support to modify. Repeat ten times Remember, to use a sturdy chair and always lock desk chair wheels into place before beginning. Short Squats Seated Forward Bend

*Exercises from Assisting Hands Yoga for Seniors Guide


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