

SPORTSPLEX NAMING RIGHTS Gain recognition and increase visibility by becoming a corporate partner with naming rights within Sportsplex: • gyms • soccer arena • weight room • fitness center • rockwall • Kid’s room

Minimum 3 year contract includes renaming ceremony, full size wall & ground decals, offical name listed in all publications, directories and website.

For more information email specialevents@orlandpark.org.

Sportsplex is an 80,000 square foot recreation, athletics and fitness facility servicing 300,000 attendees each year. ▼



$ 650

$ 1,000

$ 2,500

$ 5,000

Soccer Arena—100,000 guests per year 4’x8’ banner displayed at indoor soccer arena. 1 year contract Gym Curtain—150,000 guests per year 4’x8’ banner displayed on Gym 1 curtain. 1 year contract

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Scoreboards—150,000 guests per year Choose 1 scoreboard to display your name and business logo. 5 year contract Walking Track—150,000 guests per year. 24”x36”poster display with your business advertisment.*

✔ 1 poster, -months ✔ 1 poster, 3-months

✔ 1 poster, 6-months, 2 art swaps ✔ 1 poster, 6-months 2 art swaps

✔ 1 poster, 9-months, 3 art swaps ✔ 2 posters, 9-months 3 art swaps

✔ 1 poster,

12-months, 4 art swaps ✔ 2 posters, 12-Months, 4 art swaps

Poster Ads-High Visibility Areas 24”x36”poster display with your business advertisement..* Choose location: Sportsplex lobby, sitting area, fitness center or weight room.

Business logo on Village of Orland Park website

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* Pending availability. Email specialevents@orlandpark.org with high resolution pdf graphics to include 1/8” bleed with crop. For your convenience, all sponsorship forms are available online at OrlandPark.org 18

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