BUILDING INFORMATION Building Information noun 4 an office, station, service, or employee whose function is to provide information to the public.
BUILDING INFORMATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 14600 S. Ravinia Avenue 60462 PHONE 708.403.5000 Administration staff available by appointment only. In-person registration can be taken at Village Hall or Sportsplex. * * VILLAGE HALL 14700 S. Ravinia Avenue 60462 PHONE 708.403.6100 BUILDING HOURS— Monday through Friday: 8a-5p * SPORTSPLEX 11351 W. 159th Street 60467 PHONE 708.403.5000 BUILDING HOURS— Call for holiday hours. Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Monday through Friday: 5:30a-10p Saturday: 7a-7p | Sunday: 8a-7p REGISTRATION OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday: 9a-5p | Saturday: 9a-12p FRANKLIN LOEBE RECREATION CENTER 14650 S. Ravinia Avenue 60462 Monday through Friday: 8a-10p Saturday: 8a-7p | Sunday: 1-9p Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Monday through Friday: 8a-7p Saturday: 8a-1p | Sunday: Closed CULTURAL CENTER 14760 S. Park Lane 60462 PHONE 708.349.1402 — Call for hours ORLAND PARK HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER 15430 West Avenue 60462 PHONE 708.226.0555 BUILDING HOURS— Call for holiday hours. Labor Day Weekend to Memorial Day Monday through Friday: 5:30a-10p Saturday: 7a-9p | Sunday: 8a-8p PHONE 708.403.5000 BUILDING HOURS— Labor Day Weekend to Memorial Day
Patrick R. O’Sullivan
Mayor Keith Pekau
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mayor. ...................................................Keith Pekau Village Clerk. ........................... Patrick R. O’Sullivan Village Trustee...............................William R. Healy Village Trustee................. Cynthia Nelson Katsenes Village Trustee............................. Michael R. Milani Village Trustee....................................Sean Kampas Village Trustee................................ Brian J. Riordan Village Trustee......................... Joni J. Radaszewski ADMINISTRATION Village Manager...........................George Koczwara Assistant Village Manager............... Greg Summers Recreation and Parks Director...............Ray Piattoni Recreation & Parks Asst. Director...Greg Bruggeman Special Events Manager. .................... Doreen Biela Parks Operations Manager................. Beau Breunig Recreation Division Manager– Special Events....................................Allison Cann Administrative Coordinator...............Kathie Clifford Fitness Manager.............. Deborah Graham Geghen Special Recreation Supervisor.................Nick Harvey Recreation Division Manager– Sportsplex..........................................Kurt Heinlen Civic Center General Manager............... Cindy Kelly Parks Administrative Coordinator. ..... Linda Kujawa Registration Supervisor........................Stacy Landis Senior Graphic Designer. ............ Jennifer Medema Recreation Division Manager– Programs............................................Jean Petrow Administrative Coordinator................ Donna Rymut Athletic Supervisor...............................Jack Savage Senior Secretary.................................Debbie Schab Program Supervisor.......................... Andrea Smaga Aquatic & Ice Rink Manager..............Brett Sprague History Museum Curator ............Sarah Stasukewicz Financial Analyst.......................Josephine Wimunc RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Tom Dubelbeis, Gino Gentile, Scott Trokey, James Arredondo, Andrew Brennan, John Lawler, Barbara Plucinski, Mike Martinez, Kyle Kickert, Jim Pittacora, Diane DeVito, Colleen Panega, Jamie Makuch
William R. Healy
Cynthia Nelson Katsenes
Michael R. Milani
Sean Kampas
Monday through Friday: 5a-10p Saturday: 6a-7p | Sunday: 7a-7p ORLAND PARK HISTORY MUSEUM 14415 Beacon Avenue 60462 PHONE 708.873.1622 NEW MUSEUM HOURS— Thursday through Saturday: 10a-3p Or by Appointment CIVIC CENTER 14750 Ravinia Avenue 60462 PHONE 708.403.6200 BUILDING HOURS— Monday through Friday: 8a-4:30p
Brian J. Riordan
Joni J. Radaszewski
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