July Senior Newsletter 2022
Build Strength as You Sit
Hip flexion exercises to build strength and flexibility.
1 Sit up straight
Sit up straight with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet flat on the ground.
2 Seated marching
Lift your feet five to 10 times like you are marching in place.
As you get stronger you can try to increase the repetitions or raise your feet higher off the floor.
1 Put both hands on the countertop Improve Functional Balance with Standing Exercises If you are confident standing, you can improve balance by carefully exercising in your kitchen. 2 March in place, bringing your knees up as high as you can.
You also can improve flexibility in your hips.
1 Sit up straight
Again, sit up straight with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet flat on the ground. 2 Spread your knees apart as far as possible.
Always be sure you can hold onto the counter for support and that the floor is clear of rugs and other items such as a trash can. When you try standing exercises for the first time, it is best to have someone with you. Smith Crossing physical therapist Suzanne Billund works with independent living resident Florence Glecier to complete exercises to improve balance.
3 If feel confident, hold the counter with one hand and move the other hand across your body.
Practice sideways motion in the kitchen.
3 Relax and count to 10.
4 Bring your knees back
1 Hold on to the kitchen counter, making certain there are no obstructions.
together and repeat 10 times.
5 As your strength increases you can work up to doing three sets of repetitions.
2 Take side steps from one end of the counter to the other.
Photo credit: Marc Monaghen
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